Tuesday 5 February 2013

Mock Shots

This image is good because it is a medium shot and is very clear with a high angle. The mise-en-scene is also very good as the person is at a desk with a computer and a book beside them which represents a school enviroment. This image would be good for a front cover.

This shot is also very good as it is a medium shot and again is quite clear and has a high angle. The mise-en-scene is also good as there is a computer and desks and shows the student studying.

This image is a medium shot with a high angle, the mise-en-scene is good as the desks, computer and paper shows it is a school enviroment. However the shot is quite blured and does not look very proffesional as it is slightly tilted.

This a medium shot with a high angle which isnt the best as you cant really see the person's face properly as the image is blured and the lighitng isnt great. The mise-en-scene is ok as you can see desks to show a school enviroment, however their is another person who is half in the shot which takes the attention away from the main image.

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